Halogen-Free Flame Retardant Cable Materials: The Future of Safe and Eco-Friendly Cabling

For decades, cable materials have used halogenated flame retardants, but their detrimental effects on human health and the environment have led to a switch to halogen-free flame retardants. SUNUA, a leading halogen-free flame retardant supplier, has developed a cross-linked polyolefin cable material with environmental protection, hygienic safety, and good mechanical capabilities. This blog article discusses SUNUA’s halogen free flame retardant cable materials and their benefits for the cabling industry.
SUNUA’s Halogen-Free Flame-Retardant Cable Materials: What Is It
SUNUA’s halogen-free flame retardant cable materials are cross-linked polyolefin cable materials modified to UV radiation (irradiation) to suit criteria. UV light of various wavelengths can cross-link this product. Under ultraviolet light, free radicals can launch a sequence of polymerization processes, generating a three-dimensional cross-linked cable material with mesh structure.
SUNUA’s low-smoke, halogen-free flame retardant cable materials function well. SUNUA’s formula and process design have solved technical challenges and UV cross-linking inadequacies, ensuring the cable material’s high flame retardant performance. SUNUA’s halogen-free flame retardant cable materials are environmentally friendly, hygienic, and strong.
The Benefits of SUNUA’s Halogen-Free Flame-Retardant Cable Materials
SUNUA’s halogen-free flame retardant cable materials are designed, manufactured, and used to meet GB/T32129 and JB/T10436’s use criteria. SUNUA’s halogen-free flame retardant cable materials are produced without large-scale irradiation equipment or complicated cooking processes. After ultraviolet light cross-linking equipment irradiates cable materials, safe, reliable, and high-quality products can be made.
SUNUA’s halogen-free flame retardant cable materials are recommended for insulation or sheath layers with a wall thickness of 1.2mm (maximum 1.6mm).
Halogen-free flame retardant cable materials represent the future of safe, eco-friendly wiring. SUNUA, a leading halogen-free flame retardant supplier, has developed a cross-linked polyolefin cable material with environmental protection, hygienic safety, and good mechanical capabilities. SUNUA’s halogen-free flame retardant cable materials are suited for the cabling industry due to their environmental, sanitary, and mechanical benefits. SUNUA’s halogen-free flame retardant cable materials shine.