VP Harris says ‘thank you’ to SC Democrats at fundraiser

COLUMBIA, S.C.( AP) — In her political return to a state where she campaigned heavily ahead of the 2020 election, Vice President Kamala Harris told a gathering of South Carolina Egalitarians how appreciative the White House is for the crucial support that eventually led to the Biden administration.
“ We see how South Carolina brings critical representation to the presidential nominating process, ” Harris said. “ And we see how South Carolina Egalitarians set President Joe Biden and me on a path to the White House.. Thank you, South Carolina. ”
Her appearance, Harris ’ first to a state-position party event since taking office, at times was evocative of the refuse speeches that comprised her 2020 crusade in the state.
Harris campaigned heavily in South Carolina during her own 2020 White House shot but left the race before the state’s first– in the South primary, unfit to achieve significant polling support or breakthrough in a field that at one time included two dozen Popular campaigners. During that crusade, Harris worked to develop networks among Black choosers frequently not elevated in the state’s political crusade, similar as the nascence Kappa Alpha sorority, of which she’s a member.
On Friday, Harris recalled tales from that crusade, including making her way through the Charleston field with bags full of collard flora to take home to cook for her family’s Thanksgiving, Southern produce she said she knew would be better than what she could find a way.
As I walked on the airplane, there were many people who gave me ‘ the look, ’ and ‘ the nod, ’” she said, to horselaugh.
The speech came a day ahead of the Egalitarians ’ convention in Columbia.
It also took place as Republicans potentially seeking their party’s 2024 nomination — including former Vice President Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and FloridaGov. Ron DeSantis — are formerly bisecting the state.
Some native South Carolina Republicans have also been testing the 2024 glasses of water. Nikki Haley, who served the state six times as governor before joining the Trump administration asU.N. minister, lives in the Charleston area and has been visiting other early-voting countries, as hasU.S.Sen. Tim Scott.
before this time, Biden committed to tapping Harris as his handling mate for the 2024 reelection crusade.
South Carolina holds its primary choices on Tuesday when five campaigners are contending for their party’s nomination to challenge peremptory DemocraticGov. Henry McMaster, whose GOP contenders have failed to attract significant fundraising support.
Just two hours before the regale, Popular gubernatorial campaigners, including formerU.S.Rep. Joe Cunningham and state. Mia McLeod met for their only primary debate.
South Carolina, where Black choosers play an outsized part in the Popular electorate, ended up being the state where Biden was suitable to revive his drooping presidential crusade, following a series of losses in other early-voting countries.
That palm came after a crucial countersign for Biden fromU.S. House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, South Carolina’s sole Democrat in Congress and whose backing was seen by some Black choosers as a long-awaited signal that Biden would be the seeker stylish suited to represent them.
On Friday, Clyburn took the stage as Harris concluded her reflections to thank the crowd “ for what you have done over the times to keep the Democratic Party in this country feasible. ”
“ Tonight, ” he added, representing Harris, “ she has made us precious. ”