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Low carb vs slow carb Healthy Food Guide


We already explained why a no-carb diet is a bad idea it can increase the use of muscle tissue for energy, which, in turn, produces toxins that make fat loss more difficult. Here’s another reason directly related to your muscle mass: No-carb and lowcarb diets can cause your bodyparts to look flat because of dehydration. Without enough carbohydrates your muscles have a hard time filling with glycogen, and glycogen is what helps the muscles hold more water so they’re bigger.

It also provides the muscles with energy for high-intensity muscle contractions in the gym. If your muscles aren’t glycogen loaded, your workouts are going to suck! Are you convinced yet that carbs aren’t evil? There’s more

How about the health consequences of no-carb or extremely low-carb diets? If you cut your carbs to low levels you can’t possibly get enough fruits and vegetables, which contain phytonutrients that are necessary for optimal body functions ( c i t rus fruits alone contain more than 170 of those newly d i s c o v e red, very important nutrients).

What About Slow Carbs?

So too many carbs at one meal can stop fat burning and perhaps increase fat storage. Once your muscles are glycogen loaded and your energy needs are met, excess carbs are simply excess calories that are stored as energy body fat . Some experts will say that the amount of fast or slow carbs can make a difference in how much is stored as fat. Fast carbs are those that cause a spike in insulin from your pancreas, such as processed sugar foods like candy, as well as some high-sugar f ruits and juices. Because insulin is considered a storage hormone, it will shuttle carbs that you don’t need for immediate e n e rgy to your fat cells if your muscles are already full of glycogen. That means that high insulin levels can knockout your fat-loss efforts—except after a workout

Your Best Carb Count to Banish Bodyfat

Keep in mind that the carb-stacking diet that’s listed is one you would gradually move to, as around 2,000 calories is the lowest level for safe,healthy fat loss (that total is around 1,700 for a woman). We’ll have more on how to gradually reduce your calories for continuous fat burn in the next chapter. At this point understand that it’s not enough to get the right macronutrient p e rcentages and stack your carbs. You also have to create a calorie deficit expend more energy than you take in to lose X-treme LEAN 19 fat. Also keep in mind that your body is always adapting to that deficit, which requires gradual calorie reduction up to a point. Your next questions may be, “So how many grams of carbs do I need?” That ideal amount is activity dependent as is the p e rcentages of protein and fats you should eat

What About Protein and Fat?

Protein intake, like carbs, is also activity dependent. If you do lots of work that breaks down muscle tissue—like lifting weights or wrestling aligatorsyou need many more grams of p rotein than sedentary individuals. A good rule of thumb is about one gram per pound of bodyweight, and you want to spread it out over the course of your day. Try to get about 20 to 40 grams at each meal so that the building blocks are readily available at all times for muscle growth.

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