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secrets toa long healthy life


With every passing generation, there are more and more insights and scientific breakthroughs that promise longer, healthier lives. This is heartening because most people imagine getting older in good health with the opportunity for enjoying retirement and spending more time with friends and family, away from the hustle of a busy life. Yet, if we believe the current statistics on health, even in the light of cutting-edge discoveries, many of us are going to fall prey to some form of degenerative condition such as arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer, to name a few. Being diagnosed with any of these conditions can radically change lifestyles and spoil our retirement plans.

Unfortunately, many will not have to wait until an advanced age to experience some of these challenges. They may affect us while we are quite young and create disturbing obstacles in all aspects of life.

Roberta, my wife of 40 years and business partner, is an example of this. In 1998 she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and we were both in shock. I am an acupuncturist and a Doctor in Human Development. Roberta counsels people and is an effective life coach. We both experienced excellent health and a strong spiritual practice throughout our lives. When the diagnosis occurred, we had been in practice for more than 20 years, and I thought we knew a great deal about health and well being. We had created a comprehensive system of healing based on the premise that a healthy mind lined up with a spiritual perspective produces and maintains a healthy body


I live by this principle: take care of yourself so you can assist in taking care of others. Providing your body with its basic needs on an ongoing basis is an essential part of contributing to the health of communities and our world. Conversely, attending to the health of the planet is an essential aspect of taking care of ourselves and our health. The two are inextricably linked.

When a significant portion of the general population is in poor health, all aspects of society are affected. One good example of the impact of poor health on society is obesity. The increasing dependence on fast food loaded with hydrogenised fat, refined flour and various forms of sugar has brought about an epidemic of obesity throughout the U.S. This has caused problems, not only with adults, but also with children. Until recently, Type II diabetes was a condition found only among adults. These days, however, there are a startling number of teenagers and even younger children who experience it.

When a significant portion of the general population is in poor health, all aspects of society are affected. One good example of the impact of poor health on society is obesity. The increasing dependence on fast food loaded with hydrogenised fat, refined flour and various forms of sugar has brought about an epidemic of obesity throughout the U.S. This has caused problems, not only with adults, but also with children. Until recently, Type II diabetes was a condition found only among adults. These days, however, there are a startling number of teenagers and even younger children who experience it.

The recent increase in obesity and its physiological consequences are adding billions of dollars to the national health bill. The money that is being directed at the treatment of pathologies could be better spent improving the quality of our environment, which directly impacts our bodies and quality of life. Clearly, by taking care of ourselves through proper nutrition, sleep, relaxation, supplementation and exercise, we reach far beyond our individual physical and emotional health. Indeed, being healthy actually penetrates the physical and social ecology of the entire family of man, as well as our planet

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