10 Tips On How To Deal With Morning Sickness In Pregnancy
Morning sickness is normal to happen in pregnancy. At least 7 in 10 or 70% of pregnant women suffer morning sickness.
Morning sickness gives that queasy and unexplainable feeling. The feeling makes you want to look for immediate Morning Sickness Relief to help you. The morning sickness is not permanent and often passes after the pregnancy’s first trimester.
Below is everything you need to know when dealing with morning sickness during pregnancy:
What is morning sickness?
Morning sickness is the unpleasant feeling accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting happen in the first trimester of the pregnancy. Morning sickness does not only occur or happen in the morning. And the sickness can happen at any time of the day or night.
There are still some chances that morning sickness can last until the second trimester of the pregnancy. It does not harm the mother and the baby. You need to call your health care provider when nausea and vomiting are too severe. Severe morning sickness causes weight loss and dehydration, which is not best for you and the baby.
What causes morning sickness?
The increased pregnancy hormone level causes morning sickness to happen. Morning sickness can range from medium to severe. Other factors may help contribute to worsening morning sickness, these includes:
- pregnancy of more than one like twins and triplets
- excessive exhaustion and fatigue
- frequent travelling
- motion sickness
- emotional stress and distress
- eating certain food
How can you deal with morning sickness?
Morning sickness causes discomfort, but it is tolerable. Here are some of the ways you can do that can you treat morning sickness during pregnancy:
Tip #1: Eat a lot of protein-riched food.
Some studies show the effectiveness of protein-riched food in relieving nausea during pregnancy. Eating small meals of high-protein snacks can get you through the day. Some of the protein-riched food you can enjoy during the pregnancy includes:
- yoghurt or cheese
- salads
- whole grains
- roasted nuts
- fruits like apples and pears
- vegetables like broccoli and peas
Tip #2: Take vitamins and supplements.
Taking vitamins and supplements can help as a Morning Sickness Remedy for moderate to severe morning sickness. Your health care provider may recommend taking doxylamine or prescription anti-nausea medications. The doctor can also recommend vitamins with iron and vitamin B6 content to help you relieve morning sickness.
Tip #3: Do not eat food that can trigger nausea and vomiting.
Avoid eating food that can trigger nausea and vomiting, and eat food that comes good with your stomach. You can do a banana, rice, applesauce, and toast or BRAT diet, which is easy for your pregnancy diet.
The list of food triggers may include the following:
- spicy food
- greasy food
- fatty food
- salty food
Tip #4: Breathe fresh air and take a break.
When experiencing nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to breathe air. You can rest and go out to relieve the morning sickness. Take a break and lay down in a hammock or chair in your backyard. You can try sitting on a couch and breathing in and out in a pattern to relieve yourself from the feeling.
You can try vacationing at a beach or an island that can divulge your morning sickness feeling. The time off will help you fix your physical and mental health during the pregnancy.
Tip #5: Sniff a calming scent.
To relieve morning sickness, you can try sniffing calming scents. The triggers of nausea and vomiting are strong odours.
A calming scent can help your stomach not to turn. Pregnancy is different for everyone, and choose what makes your stomach calm because some scents would not work for you.
Here are some scents that can help relieve morning sickness:
- mint or peppermint
- chamomile
- ginger
- orange
- lemon
- lavender
Tip #6: Stay hydrated
Pregnant women should drink enough fluids or at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, and drinking can flush out the queasy feeling of morning sickness.
After puking out, you need to drink water to remain hydrated. Dehydration can contribute to nausea and vomiting, and it is necessary to replenish yourself to relieve morning sickness.
If you are sick of plain water, you can add a squeeze of fresh lime or ginger to infuse to water with flavour.
Here are some tips you can do the help you drink enough fluids in a day:
- drink a glass of water before going to bed
- drink the correct temperature of the liquid
- do not wait to drink water until you feel thirsty
- eat hydrating food like watermelon and apples
Tip #7: Distract yourself
When you are suffering from morning sickness, distracting yourself can also help relieve nausea and vomiting. Such distraction may help you forget the morning sickness somehow. Here are some of the things you can do to distract yourself from having morning sickness:
- exercise
- walking in the park
- eating crackers
- baking and cooking
- watching television
- reading a book
- sleeping or laying down
- a foot and hand spa
Tip #8: Try acupressure or acupuncture.
Acupressure and acupuncture are alternative therapies that can help relieve morning sickness in pregnancy. Acupressure and acupuncture try to apply pressure to the pregnant woman’s body.
The pressure can help to control the symptoms.
Acupressure and acupuncture do not impose any harm or risk to you and your baby’s health.
Some pregnant women try wearing an acupressure band to curb the feeling.
Tip #9: Wear loose clothes
When you feel nauseous and are frequently vomiting, consider wearing loose clothes. Wearing these clothes may help you breathe properly.
As pregnancy changes the shape of a woman’s body, wearing loose clothes can help you become comfortable.
Tight-fitting clothes are uncomfortable and restrict your breathing. Tight clothes put pressure on the pregnant woman’s bodies and can contribute to the following adverse effects:
- heartburn
- abdominal pain and discomfort
- vaginal yeast infection
- reduced blood circulation
- sore nipples
Tip #10: Seek your doctor’s help.
Medical advice is necessary for pregnancy. You need not panic but talk to your doctor about the symptoms when you feel something. Your health care provider can guide you deal with what you are feeling. The doctor can also discuss the treatment options that would not harm you and the baby.
Do not self-diagnose what you feel. You can ask for medical help from the following:
- ob-gyn
- general practitioner doctor
- midwife
- maternal and child health line
Talking to a doctor is also necessary when you are experiencing morning sickness with the following:
- difficulty in urinating
- abdominal pain
- high fever
- vomiting of blood
- continuous vomiting for a day
- weight loss