FITNESS ABCs International Fitness Association

The information contained in this manual is intended as a fitness guide and is not intended to replace a personal trainer. Remember; please consult your doctor before beginning any type of workout or diet program. Factors unknown to you may have an adverse effect on your physical well-being even including death. You may think you’re in physical shape to pursue the activities described in this document; only your doctor is qualified to make that decision. Tell him or her that you are planning to begin an exercise program.
It is important to keep in mind that pain is NOT good especially in joints, bone, and chest. Muscle soreness is normal, but not to the point of not being able to use it. NEVER continue a workout with soreness, give the muscles a chance to repair and build. Working out too many times per week can actually make a muscle smaller and weaker if you don’t give it a chance to repair. Remember; nutrition is the fuel for work and repair.
Nutrients are substances necessary for proper bodily function. Some are required in large quantities (macronutrients) and some are required is small quantities (micronutrients). There are 4 types of macronutrients: Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats and Water and two types of micronutrients: Vitamins and Minerals.
Proteins are the basic structure of all living cells. Proteins are used in making hormones, blood plasma transport systems, and enzymes. The basic building blocks of proteins are called amino acids. There are two types of proteins complete and incomplete. Amino acids are categorized as essential and nonessential. Of the twenty amino acids that have been identified, nine are considered essential amino acids those that are not manufactured by the body, these must come from dietary intake. The body can manufacture the non-essential amino acids from the by-products of carbohydrate metabolism. Amino Acids are crucial for proper Central Nervous System (CNS) function.
Carbohydrates are utilized for energy, both instant and sustained. When insufficient carbohydrates are taken in, the body must utilize proteins for energy even to the point of catabolizing muscle tissue for energy.
Carbohydrate Loading
Carbohydrate loading is when an athlete depletes and then force-feeds carbohydrates over a period of several days. Carbohydrates are first depleted, for example on a long fast run, then large amounts of carbohydrates eaten. The theory is that the body will overcompensate and store extra glycogen.
Carbohydrate Stacking
This technique requires the consumption of several different kinds of carbohydrates each assimilated by the body at different rates based on their glycemic value. Eating a high glycemic food provides immediate energy while a low glycemic food provides energy at a slower controlled rate. This technique provides greater endurance for athletes.